OS  v1.7.5
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qOS Namespace Reference

OS/Kernel interfaces. More...


namespace  bits
 Helper Bit-manipulation interfaces.
namespace  build
namespace  cli
 AT command line interfaces.
namespace  co
 CoRoutines interfaces.
namespace  critical
 OS Critical interfaces.
namespace  input
 Input Interfaces.
namespace  logger
 Logger interfaces.
namespace  mem
 Memory management interfaces.
namespace  product
namespace  sm
 Finite State Machine interfaces.
namespace  util
namespace  version


class  byteBuffer
 A Byte-sized buffer object. More...
class  clock
 A class to encapsulate the OS clock. More...
class  commandLineInterface
 An AT Command Line Interface (CLI) object. More...
class  core
 The class to interface the OS. More...
class  event_t
 The task argument with all the regarding information of the task execution. More...
class  list
 A list object (Generic double-linked) More...
class  listIterator
 A list iterator. More...
class  logger
 The global class to output logging streams. Its usage requires the static method: logger::out() More...
class  node
 A list-node object (Used internally) More...
class  queue
 A Queue object. More...
class  response
 A Response Handler object. More...
class  stateMachine
 A FSM(Finite State Machine) object. More...
class  task
 A task node object. More...
class  timer
 A non-blocking Timer object. More...


using clock_t
 A unsigned integer to hold ticks count. Epochs counter.
using duration_t
 The typedef that specified an time quantity, usually expressed in milliseconds.
using getTickFcn_t
 Pointer to a function that gets the current hardware tick value.
using int_restorer_t
 Function called by critical::exit() to restore interrupts.
using int_disabler_t
 Function called by critical::enter() to disable interrupts.
using listCompareFcn_t
 Pointer to a function used by the list::sort() method to compare nodes of a list.
using taskFcn_t
 Pointer to a task callback.
using notifier_t
 A 32-bit unsigned integer type to hold a notification value.
using taskFlag_t
 A 32-bit unsigned integer type to hold the task flags.
using base_t
 A type to instantiate a integer-base variable. This size of this type is implementation-defined.
using byte_t
 A type to instantiate a byte variable.
using unsigned_t
 A type to instantiate an unsigned variable.
using signed_t
 A type to instantiate an signed variable.
using float32_t
 A type to instantiate a single-precision variable of 32-bits IEEE 754.
using float64_t
 A type to instantiate a single-precision variable of 64-bits IEEE 754.
using index_t
 A type to instantiate an OS index variable. Can store the maximum size of a theoretically possible object of any type (including array). Should be used for array indexing and loop counting.
using cycles_t
 A type to instantiate a variable that hold the number of task cycles.
using iteration_t
 A type to instantiate a variable that hold the number of task iterations.
using priority_t
 A type to instantiate a variable to hold the priority value of a task.
using timeCount_t
 A type to instantiate a variable to hold a time count.


enum class  notifyMode : uint8_t { notifyMode::SIMPLE , notifyMode::QUEUED }
 An enum that defines the modes in which a notification can be delivered. More...
enum  listPosition : int32_t { AT_FRONT , AT_BACK }
 An enum with the possible options to specify a target position for a list. More...
enum class  listDirection { listDirection::FORWARD , listDirection::BACKWARD }
 An enum with the possible options to transverse a list. More...
enum class  queueSendMode { queueSendMode::TO_BACK , queueSendMode::TO_FRONT }
 An enum that defines the modes in which a item should be inserted in to a queue. More...
enum class  responseStatus { responseStatus::MISSING , responseStatus::SUCCESS , responseStatus::TIMEOUT }
 A enum with the possible return status of a qOS::response object. More...
enum class  trigger : uint8_t {
  trigger::None , trigger::byTimeElapsed , trigger::byNotificationQueued , trigger::byNotificationSimple ,
  trigger::byQueueReceiver , trigger::byQueueFull , trigger::byQueueCount , trigger::byQueueEmpty ,
  trigger::byEventFlags , trigger::bySchedulingRelease , trigger::byNoReadyTasks
 An enum with all the possible values for the event_t::getTrigger() method. More...
enum class  globalState : uint8_t {
  globalState::UNDEFINED , globalState::READY , globalState::WAITING , globalState::SUSPENDED ,
 An enum to describe the task global states. More...
enum class  taskState { taskState::DISABLED_STATE , taskState::ENABLED_STATE , taskState::AWAKE_STATE , taskState::ASLEEP_STATE }
 An enum that defines the possible task operational states. More...
enum class  queueLinkMode : uint32_t { queueLinkMode::QUEUE_RECEIVER , queueLinkMode::QUEUE_FULL , queueLinkMode::QUEUE_COUNT , queueLinkMode::QUEUE_EMPTY }
 An enum that defines the modes in which a queue can be linked to a task. More...


template<typename T, size_t n>
constexpr size_t arraySize (const T(&arr)[n]) noexcept
 Calculates the size of an array. This function takes a reference to an array and calculates its size. For a one-dimensional array, the size is simply the number of elements. For a multi-dimensional array, the size is the product of the sizes of all dimensions.
template<typename T>
clip (T x, const T Min, const T Max)
 Ensures that x is between the limits set by Min and Max.
template<typename T>
clipUpper (T x, const T Max)
 Ensures that x is bellow the limits set by Max.
template<typename T>
clipLower (T x, const T Min)
 Ensures that x is above the value set by Min.
template<typename T>
isBetween (T x, const T Low, const T High)
 Check if the value of x is within the limits defined by Low and High.
uint8_t byteNibbleHigh (uint8_t x)
 Read the high-nibble from x.
uint8_t byteNibbleLow (uint8_t x)
 Read the low-nibble from x.
uint8_t byteMergeNibbles (uint8_t h, uint8_t l)
 Merges two nibbles to form one byte.
uint16_t wordByteHigh (uint16_t x)
 Read the high-byte from x.
uint16_t wordByteLow (uint16_t x)
 Read the low-byte from x.
uint16_t wordMergeBytes (uint16_t h, uint16_t l)
 Merges two bytes to form one Word.
uint32_t dWordWordHigh (uint32_t x)
 Read the high-word from x.
uint32_t dWordWordLow (uint32_t x)
 Read the low-word from x.
uint32_t dwordMergeWords (uint32_t h, uint32_t l)
 Merges two words to form one DWord.
constexpr taskFlag_t EVENT_FLAG (index_t i)
 Event flag selector function.


 The predefined instance of the OS kernel interface.

Detailed Description

OS/Kernel interfaces.