Tools for embedded systems
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CqBitField_tA BitField object
 CqFIS_Input_tA FIS Input object
 CqFIS_MF_tA FIS Membership Function
 CqFIS_Output_tA FIS Output object
 CqFIS_tA FIS(Fuzzy Inference System) object
 CqFP16_Settings_tA Q16.16 fixed-point settings object
 CqInterp1_tA 1D interpolation object
 CqLTISys_tA LTI system object
 CqPID_AutoTuning_tA PID Auto-tuning object
 CqPID_controller_tA PID controller object
 CqPID_Gains_tPID Gains structure
 CqRMS_tRMS calculator instance
 CqSSmoother_ALNF_tAdaptive Filter LMS
 CqSSmoother_DESF_tDouble exponential smoothing (Holt’s Method)
 CqSSmoother_EXPW_tAn Exponential weighting filter
 CqSSmoother_GMWF_tA Gaussian filter
 CqSSmoother_KLMN_tA scalar Kalman filter
 CqSSmoother_LPF1_tA 1st order Low-Pass Filter
 CqSSmoother_LPF2_tA 2nd order Low-Pass Filter
 CqSSmoother_MOR1_tA Moving Outlier Removal filter
 CqSSmoother_MOR2_tA Moving Outlier Removal filter
 CqSSmoother_MWM1_tA Moving Window Median filter
 CqSSmoother_MWM2_tA Moving Window Median filter
 CqTDL_tA Tapped Delay Line (TDL) object
 CqVFloat_MinMax_tMetrics returned by qVFloat_MinMax()
 CqVFloat_Moment_tMetrics returned by qVFloat_Moment()