Tools for embedded systems
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Smoothing filters

Filters to smooth noisy signals. More...


class  qlibs::smoother
 The smoother base abstract class. More...
class  qlibs::smootherLPF1
 A 1st order Low-Pass Filter. More...
class  qlibs::smootherLPF2
 A 2nd order Low-Pass Filter. More...
class  qlibs::smootherMWM1
 A Moving Window Median filter. More...
class  qlibs::smootherMWM2
 A Moving Window Median filter. More...
class  qlibs::smootherMOR1
 A Moving Outlier Removal filter. More...
class  qlibs::smootherMOR2
 A Moving Outlier Removal filter. More...
class  qlibs::smootherGMWF
 A Gaussian filter. More...
class  qlibs::smootherEXPW
 An Exponential weighting filter. More...
class  qlibs::smootherKLMN
 A scalar Kalman filter. More...
class  qlibs::smootherDESF
 Double exponential smoothing (Holt’s Method) More...
class  qlibs::smootherALNF
 Adaptive Filter LMS. More...

Detailed Description

Filters to smooth noisy signals.

For a brief description of this module, please read Filters for signal smoothing

For a brief description of this module, please read Filters for signal smoothing