OS  v7.3.3
Types and macros

Sets of types having specified widths used to design the entire OS. It also define macros directives to perform specific actions and options for some OS APIs. More...

Collaboration diagram for Types and macros:


#define qFalse
 A boolean value that represents false/failure/Off or Low.
#define qTrue
 A boolean value that represents true/success/On or High.
#define qEnabled
 A state value that enables a task.
#define qDisabled
 A state value that disables a task.
#define qAwake
 A state value that awakes a task.
#define qAsleep
 A state value that put a task in sleep mode.
#define qLink
 An operation directive that links an object to a task.
#define qUnLink
 An operation directive that unlinks an object from a task.
#define qResponseTimeout
 A status value that indicates a response timeout.
#define qRising
 A status value that indicates a rising-edge condition.
#define qFalling
 A status value that indicates a falling-edge condition.
#define qUnknown
 A status value that indicates an unknown condition.


typedef uint8_t qUINT8_t
 Unsigned integer type with width of exactly 8 bits respectively.
typedef uint16_t qUINT16_t
 Unsigned integer type with width of exactly 16 bits respectively.
typedef uint32_t qUINT32_t
 Unsigned integer type with width of exactly 32 bits respectively.
typedef int8_t qINT8_t
 Signed integer type with width of exactly 8 bits respectively.
typedef int16_t qINT16_t
 Signed integer type with width of exactly 16 bits respectively.
typedef int32_t qINT32_t
 Signed integer type with width of exactly 32 bits respectively.
typedef qUINT8_t qByte_t
 A type to instantiate a byte variable.
typedef int qBase_t
 A type to instantiate a integer-base variable. This type is compiler implementation-defined.
typedef float qFloat32_t
 A type to instantiate a single-precision variable of 32-bits IEEE 754.
typedef double qFloat64_t
 A type to instantiate a double-precision variable of 64-bits IEEE 754.
typedef qUINT8_t qPriority_t
 A type to instantiate a variable to hold the priority value of a task.
typedef qINT32_t qIteration_t
 A type to instantiate a variable that hold the number of task iterations.
typedef qUINT8_t qState_t
 A type to instantiate an OS state value.
typedef qUINT8_t qBool_t
 A type to instantiate an OS boolean variable.
typedef size_t qIndex_t
 A type to instantiate an OS index variable. Can store the maximum size of a theoretically possible object of any type (including array). Should be used for array indexing and loop counting.
typedef qUINT32_t qCycles_t
 A type to instantiate a variable that hold the number of task cycles.

Detailed Description

Sets of types having specified widths used to design the entire OS. It also define macros directives to perform specific actions and options for some OS APIs.